SUS Diocese News - Message from the Diocese Regarding the Coronavirus

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Mar 13, 2020, 8:21:21 AM3/13/20
SUS Diocese News
Message from the Diocese Regarding the Coronavirus
March 12, 2020

 Dear beloved of Christ,
We pray this letter finds you and your families and all the churches in peace and benefiting from this most blessed season of the Holy Great Fast.

As we all know the Coronavirus has been spreading in different places throughout the world and within the United States in almost all states. For this reason, the Diocese will take the following health safety measures effective immediately and until further notice:

1.   The churches will not provide handkerchiefs or scarfs; however, each person may bring their own handkerchiefs to the liturgy for use and women are encouraged to bring their own scarfs.
2.   The churches will provide water for after communion in disposable cups, however each person is encouraged to bring their own water bottle with them.
3.   All are asked to refrain completely from any physical touch in greeting one another or otherwise and especially from any close-contact greetings of kissing and hugging. Likewise, during “Greet one another” all are encouraged to use sanitizers after or to greet without touching by a bow.
4.   Anyone experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms is asked to stay home until all symptoms are gone.
5.   Elders and those with compromised immune systems are encouraged to attend the smaller liturgies rather than the large gatherings.
6.   All are asked to adhere to the WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines of self-quarantine. This includes but is not limited to self-quarantining for 14 days if one has recently been on a cruise or traveled abroad to places where the virus outbreak is more severe.
7.   All are asked to ensure personal hygiene measures at all times including before and during church, including, but not limited to: washing hands with soap and warm water regularly, using hand-sanitizers, coughing into the crook of one’s elbow, sneezing into tissues and immediately discarding them.
8.   The monastery and convent will not be receiving visitors or retreats.
9.   All trips, conventions, and sports tournaments are cancelled.
10.  All spiritual days involving people gathering from multiple churches are cancelled.
11.  The liturgical prayers in all the churches will continue normally.
12. The Sunday School programs and any regular parish Bible Studies, spiritual meetings, or prayer meetings will continue normally just as most schools and professional workplaces are continuing normally; however other meetings such as sports ministries are to be cancelled.

As Christians our faith in God comes before all things and we trust that we are protected and safe in His mighty hand and under His watchful eyes of protection. “The LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deut. 31:8) This is the same Lord who gives us His own Body and Blood as the “medicine of immortality” to save us from death itself and for the purification of our souls, bodies, and spirits.

With this faith in God we are called to be a source of peace and stability in the world at times of tribulation. For this reason, all churches are asked to have a prayer meeting this Friday from 7-8pm to pray concerning the coronavirus that the Lord may grant peace and stability to His Church and to the entire world and especially all those directly affected.

“I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.” (Ps 91:2-3) 
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