Hi Folks, hi Jonathan,
On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 03:08:27PM -0600, Jonathan Hiller wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks Elijah. Support for viewing within Threejs is a great asset
> for the AMF community.
> You could use the rook model (as featured in the official AMF icon) if you
> wanted something unique (
http://amf.wikispaces.com/file/view/Rook.amf/268219202/Rook.amf). But
> ultimately you did the work so you can choose!
Good that its now supported in three.js though I haven't used three.js yet to
work on things. I normally stick to my own lightning fast AMF viewer :) ...
It was build to become a full blown slicer kit one day but oh well, maybe
later :) It doesn't support textures and colour gradients yet :(
Talking of viewing, the last version of AMF tools is not displaying any
rounded triangles anymore when asked to; even the ball is a regular figure
instead of a ball. Has that been explicitly disabled?
The files themselves are OK as far as I can see though I got dependency errors
when opening the more complex ones. The face worked but the others fail.