Email to Everybody

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Matt Follett

Nov 5, 2009, 1:54:44 PM11/5/09
to stl-barcamp
Hey all,

I wanted to send another email to the BarCamp list but I wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations beforehand.


Subject:  BarCamp Photos, Videos

Hey BarCampers,

Saturday is almost upon us so I thought I'd remind everyone to bring their camera.  Photographing and recording the event is not only allowed but encouraged.  Please share whatever you get with the rest of the campers though and put it up on the internet.  If you post it to Flickr use the tag barcampstl, if you post it somewhere else please link to it from the wiki.  If you record video of an event be sure make sure it is ok with the speaker and then don't forget to upload it to Blip.TV.
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