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Sep 29, 2013, 10:53:24 AM9/29/13
I am Simone, senior post-doc at the department of medical biochemistry and biophysics at Karolinska Institutet.
I decided to join this group in order to promote awareness toward OPEN ACCESS. This concept has been pioneered in the computer community and resulted in amazing progresses that affected not only the computer community itself but the all world. In science open access found his way in astronomy, particle physics and genomics.
I believe that a similar approach should be taken in many more branches of science, especially in the medical field.

I know is not a simple task and in order to have such a big change, we need to develop a new "scientific method" and slowly start a scientific revolution. In order to be effectively able to share information we need to change our way to do science, the way through which scientist are evaluated and also how funding are distributed. I know it is a complex issue but we need to start somewhere. I believe that we need to work on it from the 'inside' and start to build from the ground up a new way to do science. Data generation, data crunching and even the classical "wet bench" science changed a lot in the past few decades, however the way we are judged, we get grants and communicate our research to the outside world is stacked in the past. Now it is time to roll up our sleeves and start to do something.

Even if in many countries the economical crisis is hitting science really hard, here in Sweden there is still the opportunity to be founded and do science. The government has been pouring money in rich data projects such as Scilife labs. VR is offering quite a few start-up grants and many private foundations are investing in research. So I believe that this is a good time to start to work in changing the way "we do science", to make founding agencies aware that is "ok" to have full access to the data generated with their founding and that by sharing we can do bigger jumps and progress faster. Because I am a scientist I know that not everything we do generate a figure in a final report, much of the work is saved in some external HD for "who knows how long". We should be able to open up this HD, share the negative data (of course getting credit for them) so if another scientist will decide to follow a similar path, he or she will not have to "re-invent" the wheel and deal with the same issues we previously encountered.

Sorry for this long, long post. There is a lot that need to be fixed and polished and I strongly believe that we as scientist have to start this new scientific revolution.



Egon Willighagen

Oct 2, 2013, 4:22:42 AM10/2/13

Hi Simone,

On Sunday, September 29, 2013 4:53:24 PM UTC+2, simone.codeluppi wrote:
Even if in many countries the economical crisis is hitting science really hard, here in Sweden there is still the opportunity to be founded and do science. The government has been pouring money in rich data projects such as Scilife labs.

 Thank you for continuing this effort! Please contact also Ola Spjuth in Uppsala, of the Bioclipse project.

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