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[Bike to the Future] 2010 Annual General Meeting and November Monthly Meeting

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Bike to the Future

Nov 18, 2010, 10:31:17 PM11/18/10
to Bike to the Future announcements
All Bike to the Future members and supporters are invited to attend our 2010 Annual General Meeting & Achievements Celebration on Tuesday November 23rd from 5:30 to 6:00 at the UofWinnipeg. Our November Monthly meeting will commence immediately after the AGM.

Enter the UofWinnipeg via Centennial Hall, take the escalator to the 2nd floor, and turn right.

A vegetarian cold meal will be served.
  • Two nutritionally balanced food choices.
  • Desserts.
  • Coffee and/or tea and water.
Please bring your friends.

We'll be selling memberships and T-shirts prior to, during, and after the meeting. Our Membership Committee Director will be able to tell you if have a current membership or if it has lapsed, but if you haven't renewed in 2010, you're due for renewal.

Please contact us if you're coming and will be eating so we know whether to provide food for 25 people or 50 people or 100 people.

AGM Agenda
  • Welcome and introductions
  • Adoption of the minutes from the 2009 AGM
  • Presentation of Annual Financial Statements 
  • Presentation of Directors’ Annual Reports 
  • Election of a new Board of Directors by all members. There are four openings for Director positions on BttF's Board.
Board of Directors 

It's important that we have a strong and capable Board to ensure that Bike to the Future continues to be guided along our Mission and towards our Vision.
  • Are you passionate about cycling?
  • Would you like to encourage other Winnipegers to get on their bikes?
  • Do your friends accuse you of trying to save the world?
  • Do you want to meet other people who feel the same way?
  • Can you spare a few hours per week?
If the answers to these questions are "yes", please consider being a Bike to the Future director. Without the hard work of past Board members, it is unlikely we would be seeing all the development and discussion of cycling that we are seeing today. By volunteering to be a Director, or to help in some other way, you can help change the face of the city.

If you are interested in serving, would like to nominate someone, or if you'd like more info, please contact us.

2009-2010 Board of Directors and BttF's Organizational Bylaws

Kevin Miller
Bike to the Future, Co-Chair

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