Starting Stellarium in reduced window size

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james gage

Oct 29, 2024, 8:30:15 PM10/29/24
to Stellarium
Is there a setting that will let me open Stellarium in a reduced window? I have a powershel script to open Stellarium and SharpCap side by side, that will allow me to use the plate solve function in SharpCap.

As of this moment Stellarium will only open in full screen mode. 

Thank you!
Jim in Sweden

Paul Gilmartin

Oct 30, 2024, 12:03:00 AM10/30/24
On 10/29/24 14:13, james gage wrote:
> Is there a setting that will let me open Stellarium in a reduced window? I have a powershel script to open Stellarium and SharpCap side by side, that will allow me to use the plate solve function in SharpCap.
> As of this moment Stellarium will only open in full screen mode.
> .
In my config.ini I have:
dithering_mode = color888
fullscreen = false
maximum_fps = 10000
minimum_fps = 18
screen_h = 1528
screen_number = 0
screen_w = 2202
screen_x = 150
screen_y = 50
tm_display_adaptation_luminance = 50

Also, try stretching/moving the window, then
"Save Settings" in the Configuration window.


james gage

Oct 30, 2024, 11:20:39 AM10/30/24
to Stellarium
"Save Settings!" That was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!
Both programs open side by side, connect to EQmod, connect to the scope and all with an executable file to start. Super simple.
Thanks again, Jim

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