Upcoming: 1.1 Release

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Jake Urban

Sep 17, 2020, 6:47:23 PM9/17/20
to Stellar Polaris
Hello to the Polaris community! It is a small group right now but hopefully it grows. 

Polaris 1.0 was released last week and Polaris 1.1's features and fixes are in the process of being defined and implemented. Here is a tentative list of significant changes slated for 1.1:

Distributed Multi-Signature Transaction Support

Anchoring organizations may want their Stellar deposit transactions submitted by Polaris to require signatures from signers Polaris does not control. However, Polaris currently only supports distribution accounts with a single master signer. 

The goal of this change is allow anchors to place transactions ready to be deposited in a pending_signatures state and provide an API interface for clients to sign these transactions prior to being submitted. 

Discussion on this change can be found here and the solution design is still in progress.

Upgrade the Interactive JWT from Short-lived to One-Time

Polaris uses a separate & short-lived JWT to authenticate users when opening interactive URLs provided by the anchor. However, this JWT could be used to open many interactive windows with the same URL as long as the JWT expiration had not passed.

The goal of this change is to limit number of times the JWT can be used without being tied to a web session to once. 

The first time the interactive URL is opened, Polaris does not have yet have a session cookie it can map to the passed JWT. After Polaris creates and returns one in the webpage response, the JWT will no longer work. From thereon out, the session cookie is the only credential that can re-open an in-progress interactive flow.

Discussion of this topic can continue on the GH issue.

Minor Bugs
  • Allowing authorized Polaris users to add distribution seeds to Assets via the Django Admin panel. Distribution seeds should also never be displayed unless being updated by an authorized user.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on planned changes.

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