Hi devs,
We’ve been working on a proposal for multi-party key management of Stellar accounts so that an individual could use multiple servers to recover control of a Stellar account where no individual server has control of the account.
The draft exists in SEP-30 Recoverysigner: multi-party key management of Stellar accounts. Howard and I are working on an experimental implementation, and we have a very simple web client that exercises the process of registration and recovery with 1+ servers. We’re planning to experiment with it in Vega, the Latin-America-focused cross-border payment and saving app SDF is working on, when that launches.
This thread is the best place for general discussion regarding the proposal. If you see specific issues or improvements, opening issues, pull requests, or alternative proposals on the stellar-protocol repository is also welcome!
Experimental Implementation:
Server: https://github.com/stellar/go/tree/master/exp/services/recoverysigner
Issues: https://github.com/stellar/go/issues?q=is%3Aopen+exp%2Fservices%2Frecoverysigner
Demo Client: https://github.com/stellar/recoverysigner-demo-client
Leigh McCulloch
Stellar Development Foundation