Q3 Testnet Reset: September 17, 1700 UTC

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Sep 3, 2024, 6:12:49 PMSep 3
to Stellar Developers
Hello, Developers!
The Q3 Testnet reset is scheduled for September 17 at 1700 UTC.
A reset clears all ledger entries and historical data from the Testnet, which means you will need to recreate contract data, accounts, assets, and any other ledger entries you rely on, and this warning should give you some time to figure out how. Best practices for dealing with the reset: https://developers.stellar.org/docs/glossary/testnet/#best-practices-for-using-testnet How Stellar.org recovers from a reset: https://www.stellar.org/developers/blog/how-stellar-org-recovers-from-a-testnet-reset To stay on top of this kind of thing, sign up for alerts on our status page: https://status.stellar.org/


Sep 12, 2024, 1:35:33 PMSep 12
to Stellar Developers
Hi, everyone!

Just wanted to remind you that the Testnet reset is next week: September 17, 1700 UTC.  Make sure you're ready to recreate any and all Testnet data!  
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