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Getting profile image

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Millennial Memelord

Apr 28, 2016, 1:22:13 AM4/28/16
to Steam Condenser
Having some trouble obtaining the profile picture of someone who connects to a server. I'm using this for a gmod loadingurl. I don't know php very well, and there's some stuff I've removed, but you get the gist - it should retrieve and display the user's profile image 30x30px and nick.

<h4> <img border="0" src="<?php $steamUser->getFullAvatarUrl(); ?>" width="30" height="30"/> <?php echo "  " . $nickname; ?> </h4>

I'm not sure what exactly is wrong, the getFullAvatarUrl seems to obtain the correct address, but it doesn't load. If I echo the url it gives me a working image url, 
If I replace the php with this address, the image does load!

I need some guidance, maybe I'm terrible with php, but I don't have a clue why it won't load... if you know what I'm doing wrong it would be a great help for you to tell me, thanks.

Sebastian Staudt

Apr 28, 2016, 1:33:26 AM4/28/16
Looks like you’re simply missing an `echo`:

    <h4> <img border="0" src="<?php echo $steamUser->getFullAvatarUrl(); ?>" width="30" height="30"/> <?php echo " " . $nickname; ?> </h4>

or shorter:

    <h4> <img border="0" src="<?= $steamUser->getFullAvatarUrl(); ?>" width="30" height="30"/> <?= " " . $nickname; ?> </h4>

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