New Herman Daly interview

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Nov 19, 2015, 3:40:05 PM11/19/15
I'm very proud to present a great half-hour with Herman Daly. The interview is this week's episode of the new radio series and podcast I've launched this Fall - Conversation Earth.

You can find the Herman Daly episode at

Conversation Earth can also be found on iTunes at:

Please take a look at the episode list below (these are just the ones we've already published). I am pleased at the caliber of people and the quality of thought represented here. We need to get some good listenership stats and some radio stations to pick up this series or we won't be able to get funding to continue it. If you like what you hear, please ask your local public or community radio station to carry the show.

Here is a list of the episodes so far:

#101: Wealthier Than You Think? Juliet Schor

#102: What’s So Smart About Growth? Al Bartlett

#103: The Fetish of GDP: Raj Patel

#104: Ecological Amnesia: Winona LaDuke

#105: Rewriting Our Cultural Narrative: William Rees

#106: A Cruel Hoax: Stephanie Mills

#107: The Cornucopian Myth: William R. Catton, Jr.

#108: Lying to Ourselves: Lorna Salzman

#109: Running on Empty: Rex Weyler

#110: Behaving Against Our Interests: Paul Ehrlich

#111: What We Want More Of: Hunter Lovins

#112: Nature Doesn’t Negotiate: Robert Jensen

#113: Economic Heresy: Herman Daly

Dave Gardner
Host & Co-Producer
Conversation Earth
Exploring Our Place on the Planet
Syndicated Radio Series & Podcast
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