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Australia - Sustainable Population Strategy

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Jan 1, 2011, 10:50:51 AM1/1/11
to SteadyStaters
For the particular attention of Aussies, and anyone else interested to
see how this plays out...

The strategy will consider the policies and programs required to
ensure that we can shape and respond to changes in our population to
build a sustainable Australia. The ultimate goal of the strategy is to
improve the wellbeing of current and future generations through more
effective recognition and management of the impacts of population
changes, including the size, composition and location.

...note, February 2011 is Global Population Speak Out (http://, public comment period for this ends 1
March 2011! Nice timing... :)

Cole Thompson

Jan 1, 2011, 1:53:14 PM1/1/11
Kudos to Australians for coming to grips with this critical issue!
I'm quite impressed with what prime minister Julia Gillard has done
down there, just getting some of these things on the agenda for
national discussion is a *huge* step forward.

I hope that PM Gillard visits the U.S. sometime and can speak to some
of these 21st century issues. A national leader's talk might be just
the catalyst needed to get people here in the U.S. to think through
how what we'll need to get through the next century.


Sep 26, 2016, 12:56:20 PM9/26/16
to SteadyStaters

This whole issue of population (and economic) growth -vs- sustainability is something I have been very concerned with for a long time, and was hoping to present a few issues to you.  What I really want to do is bring about real change....not just "preach to the choir".

If at all interested, please reply.

Concerned Australian Citizen
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