Thanks for the link. Interesting article.I see the main divisions of modern civilization slightly differently. 1879 to 1970 - scientific and technological revolution. 1960 to 2000 - information and social revolution. 2000 to collapse of industrial civilization (TBD) - failing to come to terms with finiteness of planet Earth.
One of the reasons I stopped contributing to or reading this forum was that I think we badly need a completely different way of thinking about what the economy is, what its purposes are, and how to think about it so it contributes to good public policy decisions. When I first studied economics in the 1980s it seemed obvious that most and perhaps ALL of its basic assumptions are wrong. Economics goes on by using faulty logic to build an elegant edifice of thought on this precarious foundation. I have not even been able to get a decent argument started about this idea, so I finally just stopped participating. This was an interesting experience, since it seems to illustrate the fact that in any system of thought the fundamental prejudices manifested in the discipline's essential premises are virtually impossible for practitioners to examine or consider changing.