Fwd: [Roots-WA] Re: Net Neutrality: Crunch Time In Senate!!

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Jun 21, 2006, 3:30:36 PM6/21/06
to stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com, stateproject-...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproject-...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com, statepro...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateproject-...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, statepro...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateprojec...@googlegroups.com, statepro...@googlegroups.com, stateproject...@googlegroups.com, stateproje...@googlegroups.com, stateproj...@googlegroups.com
Please see new information gleaned from Cantwell's office in WA.  Upshot:  flood the zone on Senate Dems in the Conference Committee.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michele Horwitz <stellari...@hotmail.com>
Date: Jun 21, 2006 2:42 PM
Subject: [Roots-WA] Re: Net Neutrality: Crunch Time In Senate!!
To: stateprojec...@googlegroups.com

I just got off the phone with Michael Daum, Cantwell's point person on Net Neutrality. He and I had traded messages for a few days, and he was kind enough to give me ten minutes because they are really scrambling right now on this issue! here's what he told me:
1) Cantwell is not only supporting the Snowe-Dorgan amendment, she is one of the co-sponsors. (Good!)
2) Ted Stevens is sure he has all the votes needed to pass his bill out of committee. However, he may not end up with more than 12 (the minimum he must have, and the number of Republicans on the committee) And he may end up with only eleven if Snowe votes against, in the event her amendment fails. But Rockefeller has been out of Senate for two months with severe back problems. he just got out of surgery and it's unlikely he will make it back to committee by tomorrow to vote - in which case an 11-9 vote might be enough for Stevens to pass it out of committee.
3) What Stevens is really banking on is getting 15 votes so that when it goes to the full Senate it has more oomph behind it. BUT - it may not go to a full Senate vote for months. There are lots of other pressing things on the docket, and as we know, the Congress takes more time off from work than they put in anymore, so it's a guessing game when it goes to the floor. What Stevens may try to do is -with 15 votes in hand - add it to the omnibus appropriations bill coming up soon. He will try and get it in through an end-run. It may work.
4) He can only get more than 12 votes out of committee if Democrats join him. It's very important for those of you who have vacillating Dem Senators on the committee to call them, fax them, get to them however you can TODAY. We can't let Stevens get more than his caucus voting in favor. The Dems need to stick together on this, because it's all about perception (12 votes, 15 votes, 16 votes, etc.)
I have to go to a client consultation now, won't be back til the afternoon. Good luck everybody!
Mickey (shoephone)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:49 AM
Subject: [Roots-WA] Re: Net Neutrality: Crunch Time In Senate!!

just in case you haven't memorized this number

"You may phone the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request."

On Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at 09:06 AM, Pachacutec wrote:

Whip Count:


On 6/21/06, annie robbins <annier...@speakeasy.net> wrote:

does anyone have a list of the sens and which ones are leaning or
committed which way?

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