Fwd: April NY Libertarian News - NY LP Convention April 21

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Richard Bier

Mar 31, 2012, 10:10:33 AM3/31/12
I hope we can get a small group to attend this year.  As you can see by the pricing, they offer a large discount to students which was a policy the SILP suggested to them last year. 


New York











April 2012




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New York politics from a libertarian perspective... Serf City is now ONE with ManhattanLP.org


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Thinking Liberty 

an interactive libertarian anarchist talk program


NY LP Annual Convention  - April 21

Our 40th New York State Annual Convention


Special Guest Speakers:

  • Carla Howell -Libertarian Party Executive Director (National)
  • Dan Halloran - New York City Councilmember - District 19
  • Singer/Songwriter Tatiana Moroz

Presidential Debate (confirmed so far)


Business Meeting:

To join the LPNY or to renew your membership, please send name, address, email address and $25 payable to Libertarian Party of New York, PO Box 728, Bellport, NY 11713 or join/renew your membership via the web here.


Please note that only members of LPNY as of the preceding December 31 and as of the date of the Convention may vote for officers and on any other business matter at the Convention unless rule is modified by the membership.


To Register for Ukrainian Luncheon, Speakers and Debate:

Before April 21:  $50; students $30. After April 20: $60; Students $35.

Please send checks payable to Manhattan Libertarian Party, c/o Mark Axinn, 338 East 78th Street, NY, NY 10075


Register online here




When: April 21, 2012 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Where:Ukrainian East Village Restaurant

Private dining room in back

140 Second Ave, NYC (near 9th st.)


10:30 Late registration

11:00 LPNY Business Meeting

12:30 Lunch

1:15 Speaker's and Presidential Debate

4:00 close




Chris Edes Announces for US Senate


Serf City talks with Chris Edes - Libertarian Candidate for US Senate


Chris Edes is seeking the Libertarian nomination for US Senate.   Chris is a long time Libertarian activist and a former NY Libertarian Party Chair.  We asked Chris a few questions about his campaign.  Here is what he told us.


SC: What are the three or four most important issue that you will focus on in this campaign?


Chris Edes: My campaign will be focused on civil liberties, fiscal responsibility and a government that respects the Constitution.  I will stand for Liberty and repeal or oppose all acts of war against America and freedom, such as the National Defense Authorization Act.  I will stand for free speech against SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and other thinly disguised attempts to censor the Internet.


There is no choice but to return to fiscal solvency, or see our nation destroyed.  I will oppose any attempt to raise the debt ceiling.  The only acceptable budget is a balanced budget that does not raise taxes.






NEW Articles on Serf City!

How Liberals and Conservatives Are Losing the Battle of Ideas  - by Drew Rushford


The Young Activitists

New ideas, by their very nature, find root in the fertile soil of young minds. Liberals are no longer the bearers of new ideas. Conservatives are still ridiculous. Both groups are hoping enough interested people are out there who prefer their brand of statism and phony philosophies, both of which have been tainted (perhaps from their very inception) by an obvious desire to control individuals and individuality itselfread more...


Obama's Con Game: Budget Priorities Part 1 -by Ron Moore


This one doesn’t come directly from President Obama (though many others have).  It comes from White House Senior Advisor, David Plouffe as reported this morning in Politico Playbook.  However, it’s consistent with the pattern of intellectual dishonesty exhibited by the President and his administration.  It’s what I call “Low Information Explanation” -  L.I.E for short.

It doesn’t take much critical thinking to see through this one. Here is the entire quote from Politico this morning.

DAVID PLOUFFE, White House senior adviser, will be out with a blast email this a.m.: “[W]hen Congressman Paul Ryan put out a new budget for the House Republicans this week, we spent some time with it. We took  read more...



Ron Paul Phone Banks

 at Liberty HQ


We need all hands on deck to give Dr. Paul a win.  You can come to Liberty HQ at 178 Mott St.  Or you can phone from home.  Find out more here.







Manhattan Libertarian Chapter

Monthly Meeting

Monday April 9, 2012  7:00pm


Presidential Candidate Jim Burns
Ukrainian East Village Restaurant, 140 Second Avenue in Manhattan

Jim Burns is running for the Libertarian nomination for President.  He wasn't able to attend the Manhattan LP Convention so he is going to join us as our guest speaker this month. Here is an exceprt from his website.

We Have A Choice.

We may have rich and powerful politicians and bureaucrats in Washington DC, or we may have rich and powerful people.

We may have wars, poverty, and tyranny, or we may have peace, prosperity, and progress.

Our President should understand that some of the major ways that politicians and bureaucrats in Washington DC get their abusive power are by:

  1. granting special privileges to their friends at the expense of everyone else, and
  2. taking money from some people and giving the money to other people.

Voluntary exchange is the fountainhead of economic and other activity. The interference by politicians and bureaucrats with voluntary exchange strikes at the core of our ability to live in peace with each other and destroys jobs and other economic pursuits. Therefore, to reduce the harmful interference of politicians and bureaucrats, I advocate the following as part of the solution:  read more...


When: April 12, 2012 7:00 pm

Where:Ukrainian East Village Restaurant

Private dining room in back

140 Second Ave, NYC (near 9th st.)


Westchester Libertarian Chapter

Monthly Meeting

Chapter charter pending

Monday April 2, 2012  7:30 pm


Special Guest Speaker

Congresswoman Nan Hayworth  (R, CD-19)



Ron Black's Restaurant

181 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601

Plenty of parking available


Space is limited please RSVP here


Westchester LP website here



New Video at ManhattanLP.org


Janet Hopf and Mark Axinn on Hardfire!

Hardfire episode  filed on March 19, 2012

Janet and Mark discuss how employment laws hurt the most vulnerable workers in particular students and new graduates.



NY LP Local Chapter Info


Brooklyn Libertarian Party

Go to the Brooklyn LP website for information about meetings, events, membership, and other information.


Capital District Libertarian Party

Second Tuesdays at Brown’s Brewing (425 River Street) in Troy at 6pm.


Hudson Valley Libertarian Party

First Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the College Diner in New Paltz, one block east of the thruway exit on route 299. (Attendees are asked to purchase a small amount at the diner)


Manhattan Libertarian Party

Second Monday of each month at 7pm at the

Ukrainian East Village Restaurant, 140 Second Avenue @ 9th Street.


Nassau Libertarian Party

Second Thursday of each month at 8pm at the Landmark Diner, Roslyn, 1027 Northern Boulevard at Searingtown Road.


Libertarian Party of Queens County

Second Saturday of each month at 10 am at Bohemian Hall in Astoria at the Bohemian Hall, 29-19 24th Avenue, Astoria, Queens


Greater Rochester Libertarian Party

First Thursday of of each month, at Ezzy's Restaurant 885 Buffalo Road


Staten Island Libertarian Party

Second Wednesday of each month at Karl's Klipper. 40 Bay Street, Staten Island


Suffolk County Libertarian Party

3rd Tuesday of the Month, Panera Bread in West Babylon


Westchester Libertarian Party - pending

Meets on the first Monday each month at 7:30pm

Ron Black's Restaurant, 181 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601



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