Bug report - Can't remove a BPMN lane without deleting it's view contents!

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Vasileios Pothos

Sep 11, 2023, 1:03:08 PM9/11/23
to StarUML
Environment: Windows 11 Home, StarUML v6.0.0 Pro
Actions Performed:
1. Open the attached test file `BPMN Lane Removal Test.mdj`.
2. Delete the view or the model `BPMNLane1`

Expected Result:
As the model `BPMNLane1` doesn't contain anything inside it's expected it's view to be removed (and the whole model itself the model has been selected for deletion) without affecting the other views.

Actual Result:
The views of the models `do something`, `start`, `end` are removed too!

Initially the other models, `models `do something`, `start` and `end`, where designed inside the lane `BPMNLane1` as I had also a second empty `BPMNLane2`. I deleted `BPMNLane2` model. But then I decided to also remove the `BPMNLane1` completely (as it's the only one in the horizontal pool). Thus I used the models explorer to move all models outside the `BPMNLane1` model. What I was expecting was that `BPMNLane1` should now be removed without affecting the other models views. But it seems like the views of the other models are stuck together with the `BPMNLane1` view - although the models are now independent. This seems like a bug to me, as this approach (emptying models from other models to selectively remove them) works in other cases.

Also, in a real situation case - not this example, I noticed that if a model is of type 'Data Object::Data Store' then I can not drag-and-drop it back to place it in the diagram! Thus I am stack with a lane I don't want, or I have to at least make again the 'Data Store' object and re-make the view gain.

Find attached the mdj test file I created to verify the issue.

BPMN Lane Removal Test.mdj


Sep 12, 2023, 12:48:07 AM9/12/23
to StarUML

As you can see from Model Explorer, the elements are actually contained in Participant, not Lane. Just move the elements outside and put them back into the Lane.

StarUML Team

2023년 9월 12일 화요일 오전 2시 3분 8초 UTC+9에 vasileio...@gmail.com님이 작성:

Vasileios Pothos

Sep 12, 2023, 1:46:47 AM9/12/23
to StarUML

I don't really get the solution.
In the following example I've even moved everything out of everything, placing all elements under the project. Thus there should not be any connection via parents.
Still, if I delete the `BPMNLane1` the other elements are also removed from the view diagram.

Is it possible to change the first example file and provide me a file thus by just deleting the `BPMNLane1` model in explorer, only this and nothing else to be removed from the diagram view?

BPMN Lane Removal Test 2.mdj


Sep 12, 2023, 3:15:14 AM9/12/23
to StarUML

Please find the attached file. (All elements are moved outside lane into participant and then removed the lane)


2023년 9월 12일 화요일 오후 2시 46분 47초 UTC+9에 vasileio...@gmail.com님이 작성:
BPMN Lane Removal Test.mdj

Vasileios Pothos

Sep 12, 2023, 10:27:15 AM9/12/23
to StarUML
Ok. I did it by accident!

I was selecting everything (even the connection arrows in order not to break the arrangement) and was moving them all-together. Thus I couldn't succeed!!!

When I moved each item separately (or only the models without their connection arrows) I noticed that a blue highlight that was changing. And that was the trick!

At least this is a workaround! Thanks!
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