Environment: Windows 11 Home, StarUML v6.0.0 Pro
Actions Performed:
1. Open the attached test file `BPMN Lane Removal Test.mdj`.
2. Delete the view or the model `BPMNLane1`
Expected Result:
As the model `BPMNLane1` doesn't contain anything inside it's expected it's view to be removed (and the whole model itself the model has been selected for deletion) without affecting the other views.
Actual Result:
The views of the models `do something`, `start`, `end` are removed too!
Initially the other models, `models `do something`, `start` and `end`, where designed inside the lane `BPMNLane1` as I had also a second empty `BPMNLane2`. I deleted `BPMNLane2` model. But then I decided to also remove the `BPMNLane1` completely (as it's the only one in the horizontal pool). Thus I used the models explorer to move all models outside the `BPMNLane1` model. What I was expecting was that `BPMNLane1` should now be removed without affecting the other models views. But it seems like the views of the other models are stuck together with the `BPMNLane1` view - although the models are now independent. This seems like a bug to me, as this approach (emptying models from other models to selectively remove them) works in other cases.
Also, in a real situation case - not this example, I noticed that if a model is of type 'Data Object::Data Store' then I can not drag-and-drop it back to place it in the diagram! Thus I am stack with a lane I don't want, or I have to at least make again the 'Data Store' object and re-make the view gain.
Find attached the mdj test file I created to verify the issue.