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Feature Request: In Model Explorer also provide "Sort by Type" with Diagrams always be first!

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Vasileios Pothos

Sep 24, 2023, 5:48:25 AM9/24/23
to StarUML

I'd like to request a new feature for StarUML. In Model Explorer to provide one additional sorting functionality, where it should short all elements by their type, while keeping always the diagrams (green icons) on the top.

The problem arises for me when I try to find on the model explorer the diagram (green icon component) which is the parent of a component I've selected. I've noticed that sometimes diagram components (green icon) are mixed to different positions with other components, which is not handy especially if it contains a lot of components!

I believe sorting the green icon components (diagrams) always grouped together at the top of the list would be enough. Thus is any model, the user can have grouped all it's diagrams together.

As an additional step could be the sorting by model type (i.e. in a flowchart to group all processed together, all decisions together etc, and diagrams to be grouped by their type: all flowcharts together, all class diagrams together etc if they are more than one in the same model).



Sep 25, 2023, 9:09:13 AM9/25/23
to StarUML

Thank you for your feedback. This is posted in our issue tracking system as a feature request.

It would be great if you can provide an .mdj file example where diagrams are not placed to the top than other elements.

StarUML Team

2023년 9월 24일 일요일 오후 6시 48분 25초 UTC+9에 vasileio...@gmail.com님이 작성:

Vasileios Pothos

Sep 25, 2023, 11:15:51 AM9/25/23
to StarUML

Thank you for asking for an example because I had to think more about it, trying to replicate more complex diagrams I have.

So, I have attached and .mdj file where there are two displays: left) Sort by Added, right) Sort by Name. The problem is obvious in this case, with very few components.


However, now I just focused on the fact that I only use "Sort by Name" because in the top-tiers models I use numbers in frond of the names like (000 [name], 010 [name], 020 [name], 025 [name], 030 [name]) in order to enforce a specific order when sorting by name. If I use "Sort by Added" everything breaks down, and I can't utilize the custom hierarchy that I have created and I need for quick hierarchical diagrams searching, in the models explorer.

But what I do - numbering in frond of the names of the models (not the components though because these are always visible) - is actually a workaround missing on a functionality: the capability to drag and drop my models in "Custom Sort" order.

So, my proposal about "Sorting by Type" probably would be an interesting feature that could group the Diagrams together, and additionally placing all the diagrams on the top, would be another add-on which would make it easy to have the diagrams available when we open our models, on the top side (thus this is actually 2 features!). However, I think a more advanced feature would be really handy here: The "Custom Sort" where I can drag a drop any model/component I want to any specific position before or after another model/component (this would be like the layers positioning of for instance S/W like inkscape/photoshop/etc.). However this feature which would be ideal (as we already can move models inside and outside other models like they are "layers", it seems easy to think it and use it), seems to me that it may need more work than the two feature I proposed at once just to solve the "detected" issue for my needs.

Thus, I shared my problems, ideas and workarounds.. I guess you will find the best way to solve such issues!

Thank you


Sep 26, 2023, 4:54:15 AM9/26/23
to StarUML
Thank you for providing an example.

2023년 9월 26일 화요일 오전 12시 15분 51초 UTC+9에 vasileio...@gmail.com님이 작성:


Mar 11, 2024, 3:56:00 AM3/11/24
to StarUML
Now resolved in v6.1.0 release.

2023년 9월 26일 화요일 오후 5시 54분 15초 UTC+9에 StarUML님이 작성:
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