Bug Report:

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Michael Faughn

Aug 10, 2023, 1:47:42 PM8/10/23
to StarUML
Issue Title: Attempting to reorder UML AssociationEnd throws exception
Environment: MacOS 13.5.  StarUML 5.1.0
Action Performed:
Step 1: Select an AssociationEnd in the Explorer using the context menu (i.e. right click) and select Move Up or Move Down

Expected Result: The AssociationEnd is reordered
Actual Result: No reordering and JS console reports error

/Applications/StarUM…ngine/engine.js:485 Uncaught TypeError: child.getOrdering is not a function
    at /Applications/StarUM…ngine/engine.js:485
    at /Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3782
    at arrayMap (/Applications/StarUM…odash/lodash.js:653)
    at /Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3781
    at /Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3585
    at /Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:4967
    at baseForOwn (/Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3032)
    at /Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:4936
    at baseMap (/Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3584)
    at baseOrderBy (/Applications/StarUM…dash/lodash.js:3780)


Aug 10, 2023, 11:51:49 PM8/10/23
to StarUML

Thank you for your feedback,

I've just posted this issue to issue tracking system as a bug.

Additionally, please note that AssociationEnd cannot be reordered. According to the StarUML metamodel, there are only two association ends: head-side and tail-side. (It is not a collection type)

Thank you,

2023년 8월 11일 금요일 오전 2시 47분 42초 UTC+9에 michael...@nist.gov님이 작성:

Michael Faughn

Aug 11, 2023, 10:44:56 AM8/11/23
to StarUML
You can achieve the same results that reordering the AssociationEnds would have by swapping the references of each end (and the names, multiplicity, etc. as needed).  It would just be much more convenient to actually be able to reorder the AssociationEnds.  You may ask why this matters?  It matters because when creating a code generator that results in the production of a schema for a relational database, a deterministic means of assigning the foreign-key holder is required in the case of a one-to-one association.  When I am trying to create a model that represents an already existing schema, this is important.  I see nothing in the UML 1.5 standard that would prevent the reordering of AssociationEnds.
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