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Toolbox. Frame.

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Jinseok Jeong

Feb 13, 2024, 11:19:31 PM2/13/24
to StarUML

I have a suggestion regarding diagram frames.

While creating a SysML package diagram, I attempted to add a frame. But I couldn't locate it anywhere in the package diagram's Toolbox.

How about relocating the 'Frame' item to the 'Annotations' tab of the Toolbox so that it becomes accessible for use in all diagrams?

One more thing, it would be great if the Frame could display the 'modelElement Type' and 'modelElement Name' of the represented element in the Frame Header.

I have also proposed the same on the User Voice.
I believe this is a essential aspect in implementing the SysML specification.


Feb 14, 2024, 1:53:19 AM2/14/24
to StarUML

Thank you for the feedback. We will add Frame to the toolbox to enable its use in SysML diagrams.

Additionally, we have registered the issue regarding the display of model type and name in Frame to the issue tracker, and we will address it in a future implementation.

Thank you,
StarUML Team

2024년 2월 14일 수요일 오후 1시 19분 31초 UTC+9에 rooto...@gmail.com님이 작성:


Mar 11, 2024, 3:55:24 AM3/11/24
to StarUML
Now resolved in v6.1.0 release.

2024년 2월 14일 수요일 오후 3시 53분 19초 UTC+9에 StarUML님이 작성:
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