Blogoforum is looking for UI Designer

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Jul 13, 2006, 4:17:09 PM7/13/06
to StartupSchool
This is a repost from

Are you brilliant UI / Web designer with fresh sight on things? Are you
enthusiastic about blogs, forums, information exchange, online
discussions and publications? Do you believe forums have wide area for
improvement and interested with ideas behind Blogoforum? Do you have
your hands shaking about UI improvements and usability ideas popping
inside your head?

Join Blogoforum team then. Your earnings:

- A link to your website will be placed at the bottom of Blogoforum
- Blogoforum will share its profits with you. The profit may be lower
then you expect if we'll do a bad job. It may be higher then you expect
if we'll do good job. Since Blogoforum is looking for a person who is
enthusiastic about its ideas, it is likely you think we'll do good.
More is to be discussed via email.

If you are familiar with JavaScript and may enhance Blogoforum with
some dynamic hide/show sections - a plus for you.

Our collaboration will be done remotely.

Send me an email with links to your work to dkrukovsky at google mail.

Denis Krukovsky

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