resolutions note

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Jeff Kaufman

Jan 29, 2010, 11:19:03 AM1/29/10
to StarTrek: Diplomacy
I'm about to send out resolutions. The resolution of what happened
around BUL is complex, and I think I got it right. Luckily there is
no secret information. Please look closely at this part of the map
and if you have objections let me know.

My analysis:

It has the same resolution as the following situation in standard
diplomacy (all moves legal, no cut supports):

A moves to B with one support
B moves to A with two supports
D moves to A with two supports

Country 1:
A - B
C S A - B

D - A
E S D - A
F S D - A

Country 2:
B - A
G S B - A
H S B - A

I believe nothing moves


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