sab2gs filter

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Craig Sapp

Apr 2, 2024, 10:31:09 PMApr 2
Hi **HUGers,

I created an "sab2gs" filter for VHV (also a command-line tool in humlib) that can be used to convert a 3-staff open score into grand staff format. This is for use in particular with the Bach 3-part inventions:

There is a line in the files:

!!!filter-keyboard: sab2gs

which adds a "K" button to the main toolbar:
Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.04.23 PM.png

Before clicking on the "K" button:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.05.26 PM.png

After clicking on the "K" button:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.05.53 PM.png

Notice in m. 6 that cross-staff beams can be created in the condensed score.

The filter toolbar (keyboard shortcut: 5 alt/option-n, or press the circular icon 5 times from the main menu):
Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.08.11 PM.png

If you click on the "?" after to the left of the filter text box, you will see the documentation for "sab2gs" ("?" icon is contextually sensitive and will show documentation for the right-most filter in the filter text box):

There are two methods the staff-assignments for the middle voice can be done:

(1)  add *clefF4 to display on the bottom of the grand staff, and *clefG2 to display on the top staff again. (that is what is done in most of the 3-part inventions).

(2) alternately (or in addition), add *down to display on the bottom staff and *Xdown to display on the top staff again.   This is useful if you want the middle voice to have its own clef in open-score format (such as vocal tenor clef).   I also use it in sinfonia 13 for a corner case where the bottom staff is using a treble clef.

To use in the terminal, install humlib (see if you do not have git or command-line tools installed yet on macos):
cd humlib
make install

Or if you have already downloaded humlib:
make update
make install

If installed in the terminal, the command "which sab2gs" should reply with "/usr/local/bin/sab2gs".

This is related to the satb2gs filter which is useful to display 4-part open scores in grand-staff layout, as with bach chorales:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.16.23 PM.png

Where I have added the embedded filter:

!!!filter-keyboard: satb2gs

For the chorales, I also added the embedded filter to transpose the music to a tonic on C:

!!!filter-ctonic: transpose -k c

which is only visible on the filter toolbar and not the main toolbar as the letter "C" since it is "non-standard" (i.e., not a "modern" or "keyboard" embedded filter):

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.18.26 PM.png

You cannot have both filters activated at the same time with the embedded-filter buttons (that would take some thought to implement, and the order may be important, or the filters may be mutually exclusive), but you can copy and paste one after the other, separating by the pipe character: "|":

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 7.20.50 PM.png


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