Progress Update

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Leon Starr

Nov 29, 2009, 10:05:05 PM11/29/09
to miUML
Hi everyone!

I haven't posted anything new, but I have made a lot of progress this
past week on adding Generalization to the Population Subsystem. In
fact, this necessitated a critical change to the Relationship
Subsystem and a minor change to the Class and Attribute Subsystem. I
am currently writing everything up and, in the process, migrating the
older subsystems into the new document formats. I have also created a
nice document register so it will be easier to see, at a glance, what
documents/versions exist.

It's probably going to be another week or so before I can get all the
updates posted since I am preparing a talk and, as always, keeping my
clients happy. One really cool thing is that the updated metamodel
will be smart enough to detect an incomplete population of a chain of
generalization relationships no matter how complex (multidirectional,
nested, etc).

And, if you are in the area, my talk is on Dec 8th (Tuesday) in Palo
Alto for the SDF SAMSIG (Software Development Forum Software
Architecture and Modeling). Andrew Mangogna will be presenting with
me as well.

- Leon
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