Initial Thoughts

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Aug 23, 2009, 5:56:42 PM8/23/09
to Starforge
First thing I thought when I opened it was "Holy crap. This editor is
sexy." Honestly, it looks amazing, great job so far on it, it's like
the looks of Staredit, on steroids.

Things I like a lot:
1. Square terrain acts like it's part of ISOM, won't give you one half
of a clutter section of terrain, then not give you the second half.

2. Paint tool in FoW and Circular placement, ingenious

3. Multiselection for modifying unit settings, awesome.

4. Import and Export settings option, very very cool.

Now, onto the things I don't like :P

1. Text box for clutter % is too slow to show 100% if you type it in
(this also goes for size of ISOM brush), make it 3 characters wide.

2. Square terrain is selected by default, change it to Isometric

3. Icon is same for Unit Layer and Unit settings, get a new icon,
also, maybe have a text label next to the layer, right now it's a
little harder to find with my mouse than I'd like, and there's plenty
of space

4. Changed from Terrain Brush to Fog Brush after changing from terrain
layer to Fog Layer, had issues with Terrain Brush still showing behind
the new window for the Fog Brush(looks bad)

5. Brushes take up way too much space when you snap them into the tree

6. The bars to the left of the tree collapse too soon, they should
fill the space and collapse when it runs out.

7. Unused flags are still on Locations and Units, remove them if they
aren't even used by SC.

8. Valid flags are uncheckable, should simply be marked, maybe not
even have a check mark box for them, and shouldn't be able to check
invalid boxes.

9. Layer Options does nothing?

10. Linking Nydus or Add-on should not show up for units that aren't
either of those.

11. Sub-items are selected when you select a directory.

1. Add help pop-ups when scrolling over the options on Brush windows,
so you know that it pops it out, maximizes it and such.

2. Allow copy and pasting of FoW, it's good when you're trying to do a
pattern, for slightly darker FoW.

3. Add basic sizes(like SCM Draft) to the grid sizes menu, instead of
just pixel selection, it's nice, but I'd like both.

4. If nothing is selected, allow movement across map using arrow keys

1. What does Clean Map do?

2. Not really sure if this is a bug, but did you want it so that if
you selected 2 units, one with Use Defaults checked and the other
without, and be able to change the settings for them, also changing
the one with Use Defaults?

That's all that I found on my initial sweep of things, it looks
amazing guys, I love it.

Jon Cable

Aug 23, 2009, 6:28:58 PM8/23/09
to Starforge
When you delete a unit, it plays its death animation which may leave
some debris behind - "Clean Map" removes this stuff.

Editing a unit's settings in multiselect mode where one unit has "use
defaults" checked is fine - it's the same as unchecking that flag,
changing some settings, then checking the flag again. The unit
settings are still set in the UNIS section, but SC will still use the
default data if the flag is checked. This might be useful if you want
to revert the settings to default temporarily but keep whatever data
you typed in for later use. You can get the real default settings
back into the UNIS section by clicking the "restore default" button.


Aug 31, 2009, 12:43:01 AM8/31/09
to Starforge
A few new bug finds:

1. When placing circular FoW, putting the size at 0 still gives a
square, seems like 1 should be a square, 0 shouldn't even be allowed

2. Entering negative numbers into the FoW, changes which player you're
on to the negative number, then reverts the number to 0, fix the 0
size and make it change it to one.

3. Players 9-12 don't have FoW blanked out by default, does SC not
have a value for theirs, or is it a bug?

4. When you're in rectangular and you click the same square several
times, it doesn't change tiles, this would be fine if you had the
Subtile tool that SCM Draft has, but without it it is very limiting.

5. Double clicking an area in Isom will sometimes give mismatching
subtiles, it only changes the tiles touching the diamond, not the ones
attached to those, basically, if you go over the same type of Isom
with the same brush, it gets weird on the edges.

6. You can uncheck the blanked out checkboxes?

7. You can place several several Start Locations for the same player

8. Creep from creep spawners(hives/creep colonies, etc) stack on top
of eachother, don't mix

9. Doodads don't display their attached sprites when being placed

10. When moving doodads, by dragging them, the attached sprite goes
exactly where your cursor is, while the terrain attached snaps to the
terrain, so sprites get separated from the terrain.

11. No converting doodads to terrain option?

That's all for now :)


Aug 31, 2009, 5:36:30 AM8/31/09
to Starforge
1. It's a 1x1 circular brush. I don't think there's anything wrong
with it.

2. That's because the - key changes the current player even when a
textbox is selected. Should be fixed.

3. They do not have FOW.

5. Yeah I broke ISOM fixing another bug. I'll fix it ASAP :P

6. On multiple selections? Yeah, blanked out means some units have it
enabled some others not. Checking/unchecking them applies the setting
to all the selected units.

7. Not a bug. Although it probably should display a save warning.

8. Hmm, there's no difference on the final result. Could be changed I

10. Has already been fixed.

11. Select them and press p. It'll eventually have its own menu entry.


Aug 31, 2009, 8:12:16 AM8/31/09
to Starforge
Actually I think that we should add a Fog Of War folder to the item
tree, containing 16 subitems: P1 vision ON, P1 vision OFF, P2 vision
ON, etc. Selecting one of them would set the right current player and
keep the brush in either the ON or the OFF modes, because it is
annoying having to find an empty tile to add fow or a fow tile to
remove it.


Sep 2, 2009, 7:18:08 PM9/2/09
to Starforge
I don't think so. FOW editing isn't annoying, it's convvenient. There
are only 2 states: on and off. If you want to cover up a tile then
click on it, if you want to uncover a tile, click on it. It's not
necessary to look for another tile. You only need 8 entries for
players. Would be great to select multiple players like you can units
in unit properties.

Jon Cable

Sep 8, 2009, 1:07:20 PM9/8/09
to Starforge
I've been wondering about the multiple players thing...Anyone have
some good suggestions for that?

I could add 8 checkboxes (or 9, like the map revealer tool) to the FOW
tool window for each player. Manually changing the player in the tool
bar would check the correct player, and you could select other players
as well. As for displaying...I wonder if there's some lighter gray we
could use to show that some but not all players have FOW revealed in a
given tile.


Sep 8, 2009, 1:47:21 PM9/8/09
to Starforge
I like the idea of having a listbox like that of unit properties and


Sep 9, 2009, 9:17:37 AM9/9/09
to Starforge
There are 32 shades of gray we can use. Also we can include our own
alpha blending tables with any other color in the data mpq if we want
to :)
Also I think it should only display FOW for the selected players. And
yes the idea of using a lighter gray if only some of them have FOW
enabled over the tile seems good.
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