Twelve Years a Slave

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2021年3月25日 下午4:09:422021/3/25
收件者:Standard Ebooks
I thought I’d work on this next amongst the D&F proofing.

I ran across this while I was looking for something for Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. (Not in “the museums,” I have to add, even though that’s where it now resides.) PD proof here.

Alex Cabal

2021年3月25日 下午4:47:452021/3/25
That works, thanks!

On 3/25/21 3:09 PM, Vince wrote:
> I thought I’d work on this next amongst the D&F proofing.
> I ran across this while I was looking for something for /Incidents in
> the Life of a Slave Girl/. (Not in “the museums,” I have to add, even
> though that’s where it now resides.) PD proof here
> <>.
> --
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2021年3月30日 凌晨2:17:572021/3/30
收件者:Standard Ebooks
The appendix to this, starting here, is something of a challenge.

First, it’s in three sections: A starts on page 323, B starts on page 325, and C on page 335. The weird thing about the sections is the page numbers in the “header” of each of them, e.g. “A.—291.” They’re not the book page numbers, so my guess is they’re the page number from the legal ledgers that are being reproduced, maybe? I’m planning on on making each of them a separate subsection, and using chapter as the epub type.

The formatting of A seems to be fairly straightforward; a blockquote with a few lines of header.

The documents in B are a little more interesting, after the first one, which is also fairly straightforward. But starting on page 327, there is a long series of items that start with
State of New York:
Washington county, ss.
and end with
(Signed) <name>
Subscribed and sworn before me this
<name>, Justice Peace.

I’m planning on making each of these a separate plain blockquote.

  1. Would you consider “State of … Washington county, ss.” to be header material?
  2. Either way, should I make those two lines separate <p>’s, or just use a <br/> after the State line? It feels like the latter to me, but if I do that I don’t believe I can get the indenting on the second line. (And do we care about that, i.e. matching the indenting?)
  3. Same question on the lines after the signature—they’re three lines that feel like they should be <br/> at the end of each, but if I do that, then I again can’t get the indentation correct, as there’s nothing to target.
  4. Also, should the signature and those three lines (the last of which contains another signature) all be in the footer together?
  5. The “Washington county, ss” is wildly inconsistent; some of them are Washington County, some Washington county, some are “ss.”, some “ss:”, some plain “ss”. Should I standardize them, or reproduce them as in the source?
  6. Should the “(Signed)” be in the signature, or outside it? i.e. should it be <p epub:type=“z3998:signature”>(Signed) John Doe</p> or <p>(Signed) <span epub:type=“z3998:signature”>John Doe</p>?

Then, on page 335 and 336, there is an “[L. S.]” in the left margin on one of the lines in the middle of a paragraph. I’m not sure what it stands for, but the question is do we want to duplicate that formatting? PG put it in a div and did some magic with the CSS. Do you want me to do the same kind of thing?

Alex Cabal

2021年3月30日 下午4:47:212021/3/30
On 3/30/21 1:17 AM, Vince wrote:
> the legal ledgers that are being reproduced, maybe? I’m planning on on
> making each of them a separate subsection, and using chapter as the epub
> type.

You can omit epub:type because they're not chapters

> 1. Would you consider “State of … Washington county, ss.” to be header
> material?


> 2. Either way, should I make those two lines separate <p>’s, or just
> use a <br/> after the State line? It feels like the latter to me,
> but if I do that I don’t believe I can get the indenting on the
> second line. (And do we care about that, i.e. matching the indenting?)

Do whatever you think is best. We don't have to match indentation.

> 3. Same question on the lines after the signature—they’re three lines
> that feel like they should be <br/> at the end of each, but if I do
> that, then I again can’t get the indentation correct, as there’s
> nothing to target.


> 4. Also, should the signature and those three lines (the last of which
> contains another signature) all be in the footer together?


> 5. The “Washington county, ss” is wildly inconsistent; some of them are
> Washington County, some Washington county, some are “ss.”, some
> “ss:”, some plain “ss”. Should I standardize them, or reproduce them
> as in the source?


> 6. Should the “(Signed)” be in the signature, or outside it? i.e.
> should it be <p epub:type=“z3998:signature”>(Signed) John Doe</p> or
> <p>(Signed) <span epub:type=“z3998:signature”>John Doe</p>?


> Then, on page 335
> <> and
> 336
> <>,
> there is an “[L. S.]” in the left margin on one of the lines in the
> middle of a paragraph. I’m not sure what it stands for, but the question
> is do we want to duplicate that formatting? PG put it in a div and did
> some magic with the CSS. Do you want me to do the same kind of thing?

You can try to recreate it

In general, I think it's probably easiest for everyone if you just do
whatever you think is best, and then we can make minor tweaks if
necessary during review. That will save everyone a lot time for easily
adjusted formatting issues like these.


2021年4月4日 晚上8:00:442021/4/4
收件者:Standard Ebooks
I believe Twelve Years a Slave is ready for review.

  1. The dedication has a quote from Keys to Uncle Tom’s Cabin in addition to the original dedication; this is in some editions and not in others, but since it (the quote) is referred to in the book, I left it.
  2. The music is likewise in some editions and not in others, but since PG included it in the transcription, I included it. I put it at the end of the last chapter, with a thematic break between the text and the score.
  3. The Appendix required a fair amount of CSS.


2021年4月4日 晚上8:03:082021/4/4
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Oops, one more, #4.

  1. I looked at a few other productions that had only music illustrations, and they did not have LOI’s, so I did not do one.

Asher Smith

2021年4月5日 上午11:04:222021/4/5
收件者:Standard Ebooks
For what it's worth, I was told to put an LOI in Man and Superman for the music. Which ones don't have them?

Weijia Cheng

2021年4月5日 上午11:26:302021/4/5
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Verses on Various Occasions doesn't have an LOI:

The musical notation there was pretty minimal though.

Alex Cabal

2021年4月5日 下午2:59:012021/4/5
David can you review this?

On 4/4/21 7:03 PM, Vince wrote:
> Oops, one more, #4.
>> On Apr 4, 2021, at 7:00 PM, Vince <
>> <>> wrote:
>> I believe Twelve Years a Slave
>> <> is
>> ready for review.
>> 1. The dedication has a quote from /Keys to Uncle Tom’s Cabin /in
>> addition to the original dedication; this is in some editions and
>> not in others, but since it (the quote) is referred to in the
>> book, I left it.
>> 2. The music is likewise in some editions and not in others, but
>> since PG included it in the transcription, I included it. I put it
>> at the end of the last chapter, with a thematic break between the
>> text and the score.
>> 3. The Appendix required a fair amount of CSS.
>> 4. I looked at a few other productions that had only music
>> illustrations, and they did not have LOI’s, so I did not do one.
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David Grigg

2021年4月5日 下午6:40:312021/4/5
Sure. Will do.

David Grigg

2021年4月5日 晚上8:58:272021/4/5
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Coming to this fresh, I was confounded by the headings in the sections of the Appendix, eg A-Page 291. I read back through this thread and I understand that they are there in the original scans, but given that we don't know to what these page numbers refer to (and I could find nothing online about that), aren't they meaningless to any reader and therefore shouldn't we drop them?

Vince Rice

2021年4月5日 晚上9:09:222021/4/5
They were in every edition I looked at (where they were also meaningless), so I kept them. But I'm good either way, I'll be glad to get rid of them.

On Apr 5, 2021, at 7:58 PM, David Grigg <> wrote:

Coming to this fresh, I was confounded by the headings in the sections of the Appendix, eg A-Page 291. I read back through this thread and I understand that they are there in the original scans, but given that we don't know to what these page numbers refer to (and I could find nothing online about that), aren't they meaningless to any reader and therefore shouldn't we drop them?

David Grigg

2021年4月5日 晚上9:26:532021/4/5
Let’s see what Alex says, then. My vote would be to drop something which adds no useful information and in fact confuses readers like me.

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Alex Cabal

2021年4月5日 晚上9:27:322021/4/5
We should just cut refs to page numbers that don't exist. That doesn't
make much sense.
>> <>.
>> <>.
> --
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2021年4月5日 晚上9:41:262021/4/5
收件者:Standard Ebooks
I’m guessing they were the page numbers from the documents that were being quoted, originally included just to they could be verified. But that’s a guess; as David said, I couldn’t find anything on them, either.


David Grigg

2021年4月5日 晚上10:47:052021/4/5
收件者:Standard Ebooks
It all looks good to me. I've logged a couple of minor issues to the repository.

The only qualification I would make is that I'm not sufficiently expert at CSS to comment much on local.css in this project. It all looks fine to me, but as I say I'm no expert in this area.


2021年4月6日 凌晨12:55:302021/4/6
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Fixed all but two, left you comments/questions on them.

David Grigg

2021年4月6日 下午6:37:142021/4/6
收件者:Standard Ebooks
OK, Alex, this all looks good to go. All the issues i raised were resolved.

Alex Cabal

2021年4月6日 晚上7:48:252021/4/6
One more thing: The music score should not have the title as part of the
image. That should be plain text in the epub itself. The image should be
the score only.

On 4/4/21 7:03 PM, Vince wrote:
> Oops, one more, #4.
>> On Apr 4, 2021, at 7:00 PM, Vince <
>> <>> wrote:
>> I believe Twelve Years a Slave
>> 1. The dedication has a quote from /Keys to Uncle Tom’s Cabin /in
>> addition to the original dedication; this is in some editions and
>> not in others, but since it (the quote) is referred to in the
>> book, I left it.
>> 2. The music is likewise in some editions and not in others, but
>> since PG included it in the transcription, I included it. I put it
>> at the end of the last chapter, with a thematic break between the
>> text and the score.
>> 3. The Appendix required a fair amount of CSS.
>> 4. I looked at a few other productions that had only music
>> illustrations, and they did not have LOI’s, so I did not do one.
> --
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2021年4月6日 晚上7:51:142021/4/6
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Ah, all right, I don’t remember seeing that mentioned before. Let me look at that.

Alex Cabal

2021年4月6日 晚上7:52:412021/4/6
In general text that can be outside of the image should be, for
accessibility. Headers and figure captions fall in to that general category


2021年4月7日 凌晨12:36:052021/4/7
收件者:Standard Ebooks
Sure, that makes sense, I just hadn’t done a score before so didn’t think about it.

Changed and pushed.

I thought I might center the lyrics beneath the score, but using a margin of “1em auto” on the blockquote moved it to the left margin rather than centering it. There was nothing obvious when I looked at it in the inspector (it showed the 1em auto as being applied, but the auto didn’t center it), so I gave up.

I didn’t have anything to put a header on, so I just made the title and subtitle plain <p>s and targeted them for formatting.

Alex Cabal

2021年4月7日 下午3:46:312021/4/7
OK great, I've gone ahead and released it. Thanks!
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