Unable to install public firmware on MAG250

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Kovács Balázs

Jan 20, 2016, 3:37:49 AM1/20/16
to Stalker Middleware
Dear Group members,

I've tried to install 0.2.18-r12 public firmware just to have debugging, as I'm unable to watch any of my channels. I've tried with HTTP upgrade, but then I read , public firmware can only go from usb bootstrap. I've tried it according to the manuals, but it says mag250/imageupdate not found (when I go in through the internal portal, select usb upgrade, it can see the image, and check is ok, but it fails with inspecting environment, then image update fails). Please advise!


Aleksey Zhurbitsky

Jan 20, 2016, 8:21:01 AM1/20/16
to Stalker Middleware
Please contact support sup...@infomir.eu

Pushpraj Katiyar

Sep 8, 2017, 7:50:00 AM9/8/17
to Stalker Middleware

You can not update public image via HTTP. you have to update it via USB.
Follow these instructions:
    - You need formatted in fat32 usb stick, Then you need to download imageupdate and Bootstrap_250/254
    - Rename downloaded Bootstrap_250/254 to bootstrap
    - Create mag250/mag254 directory in your usb stick
    - Put bootstrap and imageupdate files into this directory(USB->mag250->imageupdate/bootstrap)
    - Turn one Box and Enter the BIOS(to go in bios press and hold menu button while rebooting)
    - Reset settings to factory defaults
    - The box will reboot in BIOS. Choose Upgrade tools there, insert your USB stick and run the update

And you are done.
if still needed any help feel free to message me over Skype: pushprajkatiyar

Pushpraj Katiyar
Skype: pushprajkatiyar

Info Myenail

Jun 16, 2018, 5:56:36 AM6/16/18
to Stalker Middleware
Pushpraj Katiyar is a liar and a thief he has scammed me and my partner with 6000 usd
Never made development for us it's 3 months of lying and when we threaten to file a complaint to the police it gives us a development code done in 3 minutes that does not correspond to anything not trust this person , and now he likes to use the money that is not his and make the beautiful on the internet, it is a shame to the Hindu with all my respect for the Indians, I wanted to share it with you so that you know the true personality of Pushpraj Katiyar
I am ready to give you the code that he sent us so that you can judge for yourself just ask
He even claimed that mom was sick to flee these responsibilities.
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Info Myenail

Jun 16, 2018, 9:22:50 AM6/16/18
to Stalker Middleware
it's not over everyone must know that you're a scammer and a fitter, so nobody will make the same mistake as me, if you were in my country I would have put you in jail
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