I am trying to build stackage but am finding it hard to find a reproducible set of instructions.
1. On the github page it says that the build "should be done only by the Stackage build machine by the Stackage curation team", does anyone know why this is?
2. Beneath this there are some instructions for a docker image which looks promising but it says is deprecated, why is this no longer maintained? Could it be resurrected?
3. I then look at the curators guide to try and do it myself. There aren't any instructions there about how to actually run the build but it seems build.sh is relevant. There are also some instructions on another email thread that I have used in the past.
stackage-curator create-plan --target nightly-2015-05-19 --plan-file current-plan.yaml
stackage-curator check --plan-file someplan.yaml
stackage-curator fetch --plan-file someplan.yaml
stackage-curator make-bundle --plan-file someplan.yaml --docmap-file somedocmap.yaml --bundle-file --somebundle.yaml --target nightly-2015-05-19
However, running these commands, the check command fails with the following errors: http://lpaste.net/177324 I thought that the latest nightlies were for GHC 8.0.1? Is there a reason for this failure?
After this, the build starts but many packages fail due to unspecified C dependencies. It seems that debian-bootstrap is meant to be used to setup the machine. Is it kept up to date? it seems that this information could be kept in the build-constraints file so that if a package which requires a dependency is removed then the package is no longer installed.
Then I look at `build.sh` in more detail and it seems to presuppose a specific environment is already setup and quite specific to the maintainers using it to generate builds.
I was naive to think that it would be possible to do the build by just 'cabal install package1 package2 package3...' with a frozen cabal.config file listing the specific versions of each package. Would this work properly? It would also be much easier to specify additional compiler flags and different versions of GHC if it were installable in this way.
Lots of questions! I appreciate any help in getting this sorted, I want to use stackage to generate some statistics about GHC.