August 12: Three Synthesis Maps (in-person)

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Systems Thinking ON

Jul 22, 2024, 8:18:05 PMJul 22
to Systems Thinking Ontario
For the last of three in-person sessions in the Visual Analytics Lab (205 Richmond Street West), please join us for presentations on three synthesis maps:
  • Map #1: Feeling the pulse of the Fragmented Healthcare System (2024)
  • Map #2: Why is menstrual care neglected, and how does this impact Canadians seeking care? (2024) 
  • Map #3: The Tale of Two Cities: Building Bridges (2023)
There are more details at 

We'll try to start at 6:30pm sharp to cover all three presentations.  The doors at OCADU may lock after hours, so you'll have to call someone if you're running late!  

After the July meeting, a small group hung out for Vietnamese food after the meeting.  We may go to the same place, or pick someplace different.  We don't all have to eat, there's usually enough of us giving business to the restaurant, if you want to just hang out and socialize.

Bring a friend!  The September meeting is being planned to be online.
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