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June 12: Systems Thinking, 1969

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David Ing

Jun 6, 2023, 12:01:00 PM6/6/23
to Systems Thinking Ontario
What have we learned or forgotten since Systems Thinking: Selected Readings (1969) Penguin reader 18 chapters, edited by Fred. E. Emery?

This reader was assigned in the PhD program in Social Systems Science at the Wharton School at U. Pennsylvania. The program was led by Russell Ackoff, and known as "Tavistock West", with many visits by Fred Emery and Eric Trist, particularly in the early 1970s.

David Hawk graduated with a PhD from the program in 1979. Johnnie Pourdehnad graduated from the same program in 1982. We will be honoured to have both serve as discussants for our June session.

The full announcement is at .

Please register for the Zoom link at . Mind the passcode! Thanks to Code for Canada for providing the conference hosting this time.

David Ing has outlined, and is gradually updating . Thanks to Robert Best for his continuing support of the Open Learning Commons.
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