July 10: Sciencing and Philosophizing on Threads in Systems Thinking

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David Ing

Jul 2, 2023, 1:27:29 PM7/2/23
to Systems Thinking Ontario
We couldn't have taken you to the 67th Annual Meeting of the ISSS, but the 112th monthly meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario can share a presentation that was introduced there!

Gary Metcalf and David Ing are jointly exploring how systems changes may be approached differently via the philosophical history of American pragmatism, and post-colonial (contextural-dyadic) thinking.  Gary led a brief in-person session at the ISSS 2023 meeting to introduce the direction.  With more time available through a Systems Thinking Ontario session, we can discuss at greater leisure.

View the abstract and presentation slides at https://wiki.st-on.org/2023-07-10 .

Pre-register for the Zoom link at https://sciencing-philosophizing.eventbrite.ca

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