New links on Google Groups page, SFH calendars

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Kyle Matthew Oliver

Sep 2, 2008, 5:45:23 PM9/2/08
to St. Francis House Group
Hi everybody,

I just wanted to bring a few bits of content to your attention. The St.
Francis House Google Groups site
( now has a "Links and
resources" page with--you guess it--useful links in resources. In
particular, I'd draw your attention to the links to the worship and
activities calendars. They don't look like much now, but as the semester
rolls on, they'll start to fill up with opportunities we hope to see you
all at.

A note to Google Calendar users: There's a nifty feature in Google
Calendar that will led you project public calendars onto your own
personal calendar. If you log on to your Google Calendar account, you
can click on "Add" at in the lower-right-hand corner of the "Other
Calendars" box. "Add a public calendar" will then allow you to search,
and a search string of, say, "st. francis house madison" will return
"SFH Events" and "SFH Worship" (and also, weirdly, the music and events
calendar for the Southern Wisconsin Bluegrass Association). Just click
"Add to Calendar" and you'll be able to toggle these St. Francis House
calendars on and off in your main Google Calendar window.

A note to other e-calendar users (e.g., WiscCal): Drop me a line if
you'd like to be able to add these SFH calendars to your calendar
clients. We should be able to make it work.

Hope to see you all at the kickoff on Sunday!


Kyle Oliver
Graduate research assistant
Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group
434 Engineering Research Building
1500 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706
"Contraria sunt complementa" --Niels Bohr

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