[Fwd: Choral Union Concerts this weekend]

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Kyle Matthew Oliver

Nov 18, 2008, 2:06:24 PM11/18/08
to St. Francis House Group, Henry Peters, JASON A LOCH
Hi everyone,

Henry Peters, a St. Andrew's parishioner and one of Kristie's fellow
singers in Choral Union, sent me this press release about their group's
concert this weekend at Mills Hall (which is in the humanities
building). I'm planning on heading over to their 7:30 show on Sunday
after our service and dinner, and anyone who's interested is welcome to
join me. If you are, be sure to bring your student ID and $8.

I don't know much about the Brahms piece or the Beethoven mass, but
/Flos Campi/ has quickly become one of my favorites since Henry
introduced it to me this summer. You may know that Vaughan Williams wore
another hat as the musical editor for /The English Hymnal/
(http://www.oremus.org/hymnal/eh.html), which included a lot of the
standards that are in our Episcopal hymnal today (including three of my
favorites: "Ye watchers and ye holy ones"; "Ah, holy Jesus, how has thou
offended"; and "Alleluia! sing to Jesus!"). He also wrote /Sine Nomine/,
which is the tune we sing "For all the saints who from their labors
rest" to.

Anyway, I hope you'll join me if you're interested.


Kyle Oliver
Graduate research assistant
Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group
434 Engineering Research Building
1500 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706
"Contraria sunt complementa" --Niels Bohr

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