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Feb 21, 2024, 8:00:55 PMFeb 21
to SSOJ 奉仕チーム
サイセヴァ メールマガジン
  ~ SSOJ 奉仕チーム ~





2月4日の日曜日、サティヤ サイ オーガニゼーション ジャパンのメンバーと何名かのサイの学生が、七尾市の避難所で生活されている方々のためにお食事を用意する、ナーラーヤナ セヴァに参加しました。食事をお届けする避難所には、33名ほどの避難されている高齢者の方々が生活されていました。お食事はその方々の食生活を考慮して、準備しました。朝9時近くから調理作業を開始して、午後1時には準備を終え、それから車で七尾の避難所に向かいました。






このような苦難の時こそ、愛がどれほど大きな力になるかを思い出す必要があります。もちろん、私たちは思うように貢献できないかもしれません。しかし愛があれば、それが祈りであれ、救援物資を送ることであれ、単に応援メッセージを送ることであれ、人は失われたものを復興するために続いていく努力に対して、自分なりの方法で貢献することができるのです。正直なところ、私は自分のしたことに満足していません。しかし、他に何ができるでしょうか? だから、私は祈ります。私たちの愛するバガヴァン(尊神)のマヒマ(奇跡)をお祈りいたします。バガヴァンが私のためにここにいてくださったように、こうした困難な時にバガヴァンを必要とするすべての人のために、そこにいてくださいますように、お祈りいたします。

ジェイ サイ ラム

Narayan Seva: February 4th 2024, Sunday

Since the earthquake on January 1st, 2024, there is still much damage from which the Noto peninsula has yet to recover. Many people who were affected by it are still living in shelters. Basic facilities such as electricity and running water are still not widely available for most people.

On Sunday, February 4th, members of the Sathya Sai Organization Japan as well as a few Sai Students were part of a Narayan Seva to prepare food for some of the people living in a shelter in Nanao City. The shelter where the food was to be delivered housed around thirty three displaced elderly. Food was prepared keeping their diet in mind. We started the endeavor close to nine o’clock in the morning and finished preparations by one o'clock in the afternoon. Then, we drove to the location of the shelter in Nanao. 

Personally speaking, I knew that what we were doing was to help people, people who were in need of help. I knew that there was death and devastation that this disaster had caused and we were trying to do what we could to help. I am sure that most of us were praying in our minds as we went about the whole event for the people this disaster had affected so much. This entire month since the earthquake, everyone has been keenly aware of the aftermath of New Year’s Day shock. 

For me, as we drove to the shelter past damaged houses and roads I felt simmering fear from the day of the earthquake again. I felt the terror there must have been when the residents- mostly older people- felt the ground, their houses, their gardens, wherever they were, shake as they had never felt before. But as I looked at the passing scenes, there was only the silence that was left behind. February 4th was a sunny day by Swami's grace. I saw people going about  fixing what they could and just living as best that they could manage. 

Many houses had plastic tarpaulins for windows. Some houses were bent askew. I saw one very old house in rubbles on the ground. Cracks in the road and pavements were littered all over the place. The damage is done and there is much to rebuild. Once we reached the shelter, we were greeted by the people working there and they gave us a rundown of the status quo in the shelter there as well as the nearby shelter where a larger number of people- over a hundred- were still living. 

This shelter was a community hall where the main hall itself had been turned into a dormitory of sorts with cardboard partitioned-spaces for privacy of the temporary residents. The oldest resident here was an elderly lady of ninety-seven years of age. This area, including the shelter, still did not have access to running water. They also did not have facilities to cook within the building so food was always brought to the shelter. What we saw and heard, only made us feel more determined to do the best of what we could to help those we could.

After the short greetings and thanks, we left the building and discussed plans for the next seva. Then, we left.

It is in times of hardship such as these when we need to remember how much love can go a long way. Of course, we may not be able to contribute to the cause as we wish to; more actively as I am sure many do. Yet, with love, be it in prayers or sending relief supplies or simply messages of support, one can contribute in their own way to the ongoing efforts to rebuild what was lost. Honestly, I am not satisfied with what I have done on my part to help. Yet, what else can I do? So, I pray. I pray for the mahima of our beloved Bhagwan because even if I cannot help, he can. As he has been here for me, I pray that he will be there for all who needs him in such trying times.

Jai Sai Ram.

サティヤ サイババの御言葉です。
『「カルナ」(慈悲)とは何でしょう? 苦悩している人を見て言葉で同情を表すことが慈悲なのではありません。慈悲は、苦悩を軽減する行動によって、表さなくてはなりません。人は誰もが己の愚かさゆえに苦しんでいる、ということを口実に、よそよそしい態度を取ったり、無関心であったりすべきではありません。人が苦しんでいるのは、本人の過ちのゆえかもしれませんが、誰でも過ちは犯しがちです。私たちは、自分の苦しみを取り除こうとするのと同じように、皆の苦しみを癒す方法を探すべきです』

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