Client Side Compression/Decompression?

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Christian White

Jul 15, 2015, 11:41:54 PM7/15/15
Would love to see some client side compression (able to decompress with web browser, no server needed) like lzma, bzip2, gzip etc.

I will be making into something similar (it already has the best parser/minifier and 25 compression algorithms to choose from), just need to implement combining multiple files and write locally. Thankfully so far I am able to convert all my JavaScript to Jscript for the server side part.

Alex Ullrich

Jul 16, 2015, 10:22:09 AM7/16/15
I'm not sure this really fits with what squishit does, since you need to alter the headers on the file response for it to work.

Typically this would be handled by configuring IIS handlers to do dynamic compression or with explicit code in your asset controller (if storing bundles in memory and serving through one).

Adding the ability to plug in a compressor may be helpful, but I am not sure how necessary it is given the other options available.  I'm not sure its worth giving people another thing to potentially trip over when setting up their site.

As an aside, you may want to look at one of our hogan or coffeescript preprocessors and use the javascript directly instead of relying on server side jscript.  The ones using the IE javascript engine are a lot faster but the ones using jurassic are more portable

Christian White

Jul 17, 2015, 1:39:02 PM7/17/15
TOo bad my version will run on any web host or even local without a server or any special handlers, just a web browser (offline/online) with JavaScript.

I guess you mean people cannot handle too many choices. I must be smarter than average person or different, I like choices.

The worst thing about mine is too many choices, it's terrible see:

Alex Ullrich

Jul 18, 2015, 8:31:04 PM7/18/15
OK. We need a server to operate and don't see a need to write code to explicitly handle something that every web server/browser I can think of does better.

If you want to spam your library it would probably be more effective to do it at stack overflow not a Google group that sees 1 post per month.

Christian White

Jul 25, 2015, 2:57:59 PM7/25/15
to SquishIt,
If I wanted to spam, then I would post something like
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