Processing large CSS files

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Ian Jepp

Oct 2, 2015, 3:25:02 PM10/2/15
to SquishIt
Hi all,

As we know IE (Internet Explorer) has some issues processing CSS files with many styles, as can be seen in this post.

In the node world. there are tools such as Bless ( which will allow CSS files to be split up, keeping IE happily within its limits.

I am working on a project at the moment where we are hitting the limits.  The front end developer is using Node/Bless to split the file, but I would like to build the code using Sqishit rather than Node.

Does anyone know of a way to make Squishit process the output in a similar way to bless to keep the result within the IE limits?



Alex Ullrich

Oct 3, 2015, 4:13:02 PM10/3/15
to SquishIt
This is interesting.  There is nothing in place currently but I don't see why it couldn't be done.  When debugging we already emit tags for multiple files at once so that is certainly doable, and it sounds like you are trying to chop up your files based on number of styles not output file size (correct me if I'm wrong) - meaning we could chop the file up pre-minification.

I don't think the effort involved in this would be trivial, but don't think it would be huge either (famous last words).

Ian Jepp

Oct 5, 2015, 8:09:32 AM10/5/15
to SquishIt
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the update.  I think for this project (and its timeline) then I will need to skip squishit unfortunately (well for these CSS files anyway).  Maybe this is something which could be added to wishlist?


Alex Ullrich

Oct 6, 2015, 8:23:37 PM10/6/15
to SquishIt
Its definitely doable, I'm just not sure if there'd be any demand for it with ie9 fading away.

Wondering if there's a way this could be done with a custom renderer.
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