Where is _why squatting?

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Aug 20, 2009, 5:12:14 AM8/20/09
to squatting-framework
Sorry its been a while... just been up to my eyeballs in muck and
bullets here :(

Anyway I'm poking my head up for two reasons....

1) Just blog posted about Squatting using the original Camping
tutorials written by _why

2) Nothing spectacular about above but the motive for posting now is!
ie. _why's sudden disappearance from the web last night.

_why as turned from semi-mythical to mythical in a blink of an eye !!



Aug 20, 2009, 5:15:11 AM8/20/09
to squatting-framework
Would help if i added the url to blog post... doh!


Jeez.... need more tin-foil on my head methinks ;-)



Aug 20, 2009, 7:04:21 AM8/20/09
to squatting-framework
On Aug 20, 2:15 am, draegtun <draeg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Would help if i added the url to blog post... doh!
>  http://transfixedbutnotdead.com/2009/08/20/why-squatting/

Great post.

I was just about to post something about _why on here as well. I
almost feel obligated, because without his influence, Squatting would
have never existed. I was a huge fan of _why's sense of API design.
He was more artist than software engineer, and I think that's what
made his APIs so pleasant to use. (He knew when to break the rules.)
Camping in particular moved me enough to make me want to bring some of
its goodness into the Perl world. _why will definitely be missed.

I thank him for all that he did, and I wish him well in whatever he
plans on doing next.

> Jeez.... need more tin-foil on my head methinks  ;-)

My favorite conspiracy theorist[1] had a conspiracy theory about tin-
foil hats. On one of his radio shows, he rhetorically asked the
listeners, "Have you ever put tin foil in a microwave?"

His conclusion was that tin foil was not going to protect you. Quite
the opposite, actually. ;-)


[1] http://www.freemantv.com/

^-- Warning: He's definitely "out there", but I enjoy listening to
him, because I like what's at the heart of his message.

^-- http://www.freemantv.com/video/programtochaos.shtml <-- If I were
to recommend anything, I would say this video is one of his best
works. "Program to Chaos"


Aug 21, 2009, 5:09:10 AM8/21/09
to squatting-framework
On Aug 20, 12:04 pm, beppu <john.be...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Great post.
> I was just about to post something about _why on here as well.  I
> almost feel obligated, because without his influence, Squatting would
> have never existed.  I was a huge fan of _why's sense of API design.
> He was more artist than software engineer, and I think that's what
> made his APIs so pleasant to use.  (He knew when to break the rules.)
> Camping in particular moved me enough to make me want to bring some of
> its goodness into the Perl world.  _why will definitely be missed..

I certainly admire the guy. I only dabbled with things like Camping
and Hpricot very lightly but they did both inspire me to "think about"
doing Perl ports!

However what I admire more is probably his web presence. All his web
pages, designs, artwork and all the written prose displayed on the web
were of the highest order. Even his music is worth listening to (I
certainly enjoyed the couple of bits I've heard).

Even with all these the overriding thing I want to take away from _why
is "be yourself but don't act like a jerk!". His online manner and
etiquette were exemplary and a lesson to us all.

> I thank him for all that he did, and I wish him well in whatever he
> plans on doing next

Totally agree. My best wishes go out to him to.


PS. re: API - Designing an API is an art (IMHO). In fact programming
is or should be an art.... or at least thats how I treat it. I know
others will disagree (for obvious reasons!) but I tend to gravitate
towards languages like Perl & Ruby and not Python, Java or C# because
they're more expressive and allow me draw/paint/sculpture a program
rather than build/construct/develop one! Ohh.. I'm becoming all arty-
farty ;-)


Aug 21, 2009, 6:06:13 AM8/21/09
to squatting-framework
On Aug 21, 10:09 am, draegtun <draeg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Even with all these the overriding thing I want to take away from _why
> is "be yourself but don't act like a jerk!". His online manner and
> etiquette were exemplary and a lesson to us all.

Literally just come across this post which reaffirms my above


I see that the author of said post is now on this mailing list...
great post Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

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