How to create AARs

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Scott B

Apr 29, 2012, 9:16:45 PM4/29/12
An After Action Report (AAR) provide the highlights of a battle.  Google Groups makes it easy to share screen shots and commentary on tactics and game play.  AARs are optional for the play-test.

Its as easy as taking a picture in VSQL and upload it to your  AAR post.

This Guide tells you how to:
  1. Take a picture in VSQL
  2. Edit the picture
  3. Create a new AAR
  4. Add to an existing AAR

Taking a Picture in VSQL:
  1. You can take a picture during FTF play or when reading a log file.
  2. Click on “More”
  3. Click on “Save Map as PNG file”
  4. Save in a location easy to find.

Edit the Picture
  1. You can edit your picture before posting it.
  2. You’ll need to install an Image/Photo editors:
    1. Microsoft Paint (comes installed in Accessories)
    2. Photoshop

Creating an New Topic on the Q&A Forum
  1. Click “New Topic”
  2. Subject is “Scenario number & Name”
  3. Add comments and pics
    1. Click “insert image” icon on toolbar
      1. Different file name for each pic or error when uploading.
      2. Not “Attach a file” link.
  4. Post
  5. Important! - Only ‘new Google Groups” allows posting pics - See below

Adding to the AAR:
  1. “Reply” to your AAR Post to add new pics or text.  
    1. This will keep it all under one post.
    2. Don’t click “New Topic”, you don’t want a new post.

Old Google Groups vs new Google Groups
  1. You can switch between new and old versions.
  2. Old Google Groups looks like...
  3. new Google Groups looks like...
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