Hi, everybody! I've just released sqlpython 1.7.3; the main point is
actually that it uses cmd 0.6.3, which has a fix for the Oracle
parsing bug (
Also, I have heard your cries that working with the repositories and
bug trackers on Assembla was a pain, so I moved development to
I haven't actually migrated the bug lists from Assembla yet; those bug
lists themselves are pretty stale (some are fixed, some are no longer
relevant) but please do file bugs and requests (new or old) in
Apologies for being a terrible package maintainer. I actually needed
to read docs to remember how to register a new version in PyPI. I
switched jobs (to a MySQL / PostgreSQL), lost my machine with a
working Oracle environment, Oracle quit releasing an ubuntu repo for
Oracle XE, and the new job went into death march mode for a loooong
time so I've had a horrible time getting time to set up an Oracle
environment to test out cmd2 0.6.3. It's still an intense job, but I
should be able to at least handle the basics of package maintenence.
Thanks for your patience!
- Catherine