SQLCipher and unauthorized access to native libraries

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Dan Davis

Mar 22, 2016, 5:14:59 PM3/22/16
to SQLCipher Users
I user reported a problem with our app on Android N pre-release

The crash reported the following:

Detected problems with app native libraries (please consult log for detail):
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libutils.so'
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libcutils.so'
libdatabase_sqlcipher.so: unauthorized access to 'libnativehelper.so'
libdatabase_sqlcipher.so: unauthorized access to 'libandroid_runtime.so'
libdatabase_sqlcipher.so: unauthorized access to 'libbinder.so'

Our app is currently using SQLCipher v3.2.0

Stephen Lombardo

Mar 22, 2016, 5:28:43 PM3/22/16
to sqlc...@googlegroups.com
Hello Dan,

Thanks for reporting this. We're currently aware of the issue running SQLCipher on Android N, and we are tracking an open issue in GitHub for it. We'll be working on a resolution as high priority, though it may require some substantial changes to SQLCipher so we do not have a timeline right now. We'll be sure to post updates to the discussion site, GitHub, etc as more information is available.


Stephen Lombardo | Zetetic LLC | +1-908-229-7312 | sjlom...@zetetic.net


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