Having had bad experiences with hibernate, it seemed like sql2o is exactly what I've been looking for - cleans up jdbc boilerplate including copying object properties over, but otherwise I just write regular sql.
The one concern I have looking through it is the "Columns Mappings" section -
Like say I have:
- name (object name "firstName")
- lastName
- name (object name "fullName")
But it looks from the docs like I might be screwed if I tried to use default column mappings for these, I'd end up with:
Map<String, String> colMaps = new HashMap<String,String>();
colMaps.put("name", "firstName");
colMaps.put("name", "fullName");
Which would not work like I want because the second key would override the first.
Is there a way to do these mappings per-table other than writing out the mappings for each query I write?