Exporting Connection Profiles

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Aug 31, 2022, 11:09:45 AM8/31/22
to SQL Workbench/J - DBMS independent SQL tool
Is there any way to export a connection profile, so that another user can import in into their instance of Workbench/J ?

If so, would it recognise the Driver entry by name if the user had a driver entry of the same name, or could the user simply update that setting after import ?

Many Thanks

Thomas Kellerer

Sep 1, 2022, 2:11:31 PM9/1/22
to sql-wo...@googlegroups.com
You can use "File -> Import Profiles" to copy profiles between two "profile storage" files.
The idea is to open a profile storage and then copy the relevant profiles from that to the current one or the other way round.

Or, if you are using the properties based format, you can simply copy & paste the relevant lines between the .properties files

Drivers are indeed identified by name (and driver class), so if the names are the same this should work without additional steps.

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