WbExport how to replace empty character

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vishal waghmode

Oct 4, 2019, 7:08:39 AM10/4/19
to SQL Workbench/J - DBMS independent SQL tool

while migrating tables from sql server to postgresql using Wbexport I am facing some issues.
-replaceExpression='(\n|\r\n)' -replaceWith='$';
SELECT * FROM DBNAME.dbo.tablename;

I am replacing carriage return with dollar sign but I have a value in a column which doesn't contain any characters (i.e empty) that value is considered as NULL and I don't want that.
How can I replace empty character with any other character.
I have tried below logic but it is not working
1. -replaceExpression='(\n|\r\n)'|char(0) -replaceWith='$';
2. -replaceExpression='(\n|\r\n|\0)' -replaceWith='$';
3.-replaceExpression=char(0) -replaceWith='$'
   -replaceExpression='(\n|\r\n)' -replaceWith='$';

Thomas Kellerer

Oct 4, 2019, 7:35:12 AM10/4/19
to sql-wo...@googlegroups.com
That's what -escapeText is for, e.g. -escapeText=control


WbImport then needs to be told to unescape those using -decode=true


If you want to consider empty strings as empty strings during _import_ use WbImport with -emptyStringIsNull=false


vishal waghmode

Oct 4, 2019, 8:11:42 AM10/4/19
to SQL Workbench/J - DBMS independent SQL tool
Hi Thomas,

I tried below query :

-replaceExpression='(\n|\r\n)' -replaceWith='';
SELECT * FROM DBNAME.dbo.tablename;


but I am getting error while uploading/importing the data into postgreSQL using putty. The column has not null constraint and WBexport is converting empty character into null. I just want to convert empty character to null for one column for rest columns null value is accepted.

Thomas Kellerer

Oct 4, 2019, 8:16:02 AM10/4/19
to sql-wo...@googlegroups.com
You don't need -replaceExpression if you use escapeText
Note, that if you intend to import the file with Postgres' COPY statement you should use -escapeText=pgcopy

But escapeText won't magically convert NULL values into something else. If the original column contained a NULL value, then WbExport will output NULL

The only way to get around that is to do a coalesce() in the SELECT statement for the columns in question.
> Capture.PNG
> but I am getting error while uploading/importing the data into postgreSQL using putty. The column has not null constraint and WBexport is converting empty character into null. I just want to convert empty character to null for one column for rest columns null value is accepted.
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