Hello Mr. Shockov,
Thank you for your reply. There was not error_log set for PHP. i set it and after restarting httpd process checked, there is no file created till now. I hope that means no information updated in alert log.
coud you please help me in setting things right?
Thank you and regards,
Anil Malkai
On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 12:57:01 AM UTC+5:30, Alexey Shockov wrote:
What you see in PHP logs?
On Monday, May 13, 2013, Anil Malkai wrote:
Hello All,
I am new to forum as well as new user for mysql buddy. We use mysql databases and was looking for some tools which will help us in monitoring and administration. I came across this tool and it says just unzip and we will be able to access the link.
I downloaded the binaries and ftp'd to linux server( where my mysql database is running). inzipped them in "/var/www/http/". Now from mysystem ( win7) i am able to get the login screen. when i provoide creadentials it just goes blank. if i refresh again it comes back to login creen.
Am i missing something or do i have to do any additional configuration?
any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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