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[ANN] Spyder 6.0.2 is released!

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Daniel Althviz Moré

Nov 1, 2024, 5:39:04 PM11/1/24
to spyder

Hi all,

On the behalf of the Spyder Project Contributors, I'm pleased to announce that Spyder 6.0.2 has been released and is available for Windows, GNU/Linux and MacOS X:

This release comes five weeks after version 6.0.1 and it contains the following important fixes:

  • Fix plots not being generated with the Matplotlib inline backend.
  • Restore missing debugger buttons to the main toolbar.
  • Several fixes and improvements to the update detection mechanism.
  • Fix SSH tunneling info handling for remote kernels connection and add remote client tests.
  • Handle kernel fault file not being available.
  • Update QtConsole constraint to 5.6.1 to support ANSI codes that move cursor.

In this release we fixed 15 issues and merged 31 pull requests. For a full list of fixes, please see our Changelog.

Don't forget to follow Spyder updates/news on the project's website.

Last, but not least, we welcome any contribution that helps making Spyder an efficient scientific development and computing environment. Join us to help creating your favorite environment!



Fausto A. A. Barbuto

Nov 17, 2024, 4:25:14 PM11/17/24

Does it come with that obnoxious and irremovable plea for donations? I installed a previous 6.x version but returned
to 5.5.5 because of those messages at startup. 

Don't get me wrong: Spyder is the best Python IDE around IMHO, and I really would love to contribute, but I cannot. 
One day, who knows. 


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Daniel Althviz Moré

Nov 18, 2024, 5:34:56 PM11/18/24
to spyder
Hi Fausto,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to that dialog. We indeed fixed an issue related with that ( Help Spyder dialog is shown at every startup · Issue #22457 · spyder-ide/spyder ) and it shouldn't be happening with the latest Spyder release 6.0.2 (once you install that version the dialog shouldn't be shown with every startup although it will be shown in the first launch if I recall correctly). If the errored behavior with the dialog is still happening after updating/installing the latest Spyder version let us know over Github ( New Issue · spyder-ide/spyder  )!

Best regards,

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