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Jupyter notebook and spyder

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Francois Batifoulier

Jun 14, 2024, 1:00:09 PM6/14/24
to spyder
I've installed Spyder because I find it more friendly than Visual Studio which is used by my collegues.

I need to use a jupyter notebook however i've just reed on the page ( that it was not possible to use  the spyder notebook plugin with the Spyder installers for windows... 

Is there an other way to do this ...?

Thanks for your help


Daniel Althviz Moré

Aug 13, 2024, 7:09:45 PM8/13/24
to spyder
Hi François,

Unfortunely that's correct. Currently is not possible to use external plugins with Spyder if it was installed via the standalone installers for Windows and macOS. If you want to use the spyder-notebook plugin you will need to install Spyder (and the plugin itself) via a method like conda or pip. For more info on the different methods to install Spyder you can check the related Spyder docs page: Install Guide — Spyder 5 documentation (

Let us know if the info above helps!

Best regards,

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