apparently spyder does not recognize "import math" correctly

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Aug 20, 2016, 11:40:46 AM8/20/16
to spyder
I am using Spider 2.3.9  with Python 3.5  and having problem with using the math library.  I have found at least three instances of the library in the installation  however my program does not seem to recognize the math library.  I tested this by executing x=cos(25) on the command line and it says "Nameerror COS not defined.  I get the same type of error when I run my program.

Has anyone had a similar problem and is there a cure for this problem.

THanks  in advance


Björn Johansson

Aug 21, 2016, 2:07:39 AM8/21/16
to spyder
Hi, tis works for me (see below). A common cause of this kind of problem is if you have 
a file called somewhere on your path that will be imported instead of the standart library module. type "math" at the prompt to see which module was imported (see last line below). 

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import math

Out[2]: 0.9912028118634736

Out[3]: <module 'math' from '/home/bjorn/anaconda/envs/bjorn3/lib/python3.5/lib-dynload/'>
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