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[ANN] Spyder 6.0.1 is released!

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Daniel Althviz Moré

Sep 24, 2024, 6:34:37 PM9/24/24
to spyder

Hi all,

On the behalf of the Spyder Project Contributors, I'm pleased to announce that Spyder 6.0.1 has been released and is available for Windows, GNU/Linux and MacOS X:

This release comes three weeks after version 6.0.0 and it contains the following important fixes:

  • Fix Spyder hanging at startup on Linux when started in a terminal in background mode.
  • Fix appeal/sponsor Spyder message being shown at every startup.
  • Fix error that prevented mouse clicks in Spyder to work on the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  • Avoid crashes at startup from faulty/outdated external plugins.
  • Fix Spyder installer not being able to finish installation due to Start Menu entry error in some Conda installations.
  • Fix Spyder installer not installing the right Spyder version (6.0.0 vs 6.0.0rc2)
  • Fix Binder instance with example workshop project from being non-responsive.
  • Fix errors related to unmaximazing panes and layout changes.

In this release we fixed 14 issues and merged 20 pull requests. For a full list of fixes, please see our Changelog.

Don't forget to follow Spyder updates/news on the project's website.

Last, but not least, we welcome any contribution that helps making Spyder an efficient scientific development and computing environment. Join us to help creating your favorite environment!



Cassandra L Smith

Oct 16, 2024, 4:41:25 PM10/16/24
to spyder
Do you or do you know someone who uses spyder on mac?  I am using spyder in anaconda on mac OS sequoia (latest os) - but had some problems before.  First, I need to understand whether experienced people are using spyder on mac.  I feel like I am fighting with the ide all the time.  For instance, I cannot do a simple cut and paste.  from the top menu.  Those choices are greyed out for reasons I dont understand.  Once in awhile they are not greyed out.  I cannot figure out why this is happening: i.e. greying out and toggling between two states.  I can do cut and paste with keys but that is slower.  Many other problems.  I am trying to approach these one at a time.  I read that anaconda no longer supports spyder, so am I making a mistake in trying to do this.  The only reason I using spyder is that I am taking a course on edx that says use spyder.  I cannot find anyone on mac using spyder.  Whenever I ask no one replies. thanks, Cassandra

Carlos Córdoba

Oct 17, 2024, 11:07:19 AM10/17/24


Sorry to hear that you’ve had many problems with Spyder. About your questions and comments:

  • Yes, there are experienced people using Spyder on Mac.
  • The issue with copy/paste from the Edit menu was already reported and we’ll try to fix it in a month or so. In the meantime, please use the keyboard shortcuts for those actions since they are working for you.
  • What are other issues you’re experiencing?


El 16/10/24 a las 15:41, Cassandra L Smith escribió:

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