[ANN] Spyder 5.4.5 is released!

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Daniel Althviz Moré

Aug 31, 2023, 3:54:08 PM8/31/23
to spyder
Hi all,

On the behalf of the Spyder Project Contributors, I'm pleased to announce that Spyder 5.4.5 has been released and is available for Windows, GNU/Linux and MacOS X: https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/releases

This release comes six weeks after version 5.4.4 and it contains the following important fixes:
  • Fix Editor scrollflags error on Python 3.7
In this release we fixed 2 issues and merged 1 pull request that amount to more than 6 commits. For a full list of fixes, please see our Changelog.

Don't forget to follow Spyder updates/news on the project's website.

Last, but not least, we welcome any contribution that helps making Spyder an efficient scientific development and computing environment. Join us to help creating your favorite environment!


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