Hi Celray,
When I try to calibrate the model, nothing's happening at all, after several hours, I cannot even see the 'Dotty plots' which shows at least initial sampling has been done! Can I ask if the calibration period must be the same as simulation period? For example the calibration data period is 01/08/2014 to 03/10/2024 but simulations (including warm-up period) covers the period 01/01/2023 to 15/10/2024.
I also found the simulated GW table data are far from observed boreholes' values. I found the initial water table depth (dep_wt) should range between 0-10m, in my case they ranges from 3-4m to 20-21m. The same for aquifer depth (depth to bedrock, dep_bot), the model suggests the value to range between 0-10m while my actual values are around 30m.
I changed the values of dep_wt and dep_bot to actual ones in aquifer.con and aquifer.aqu files. Do you thing the reason the SWAT+Toolbox is unable to even start calibration relates to these changes (which I don't think so as I can run the model using these new values for gw depth and aquifer bottom in both SWAT+Toolbox and Editor). I already sent you my project, attached please find the time series of observed GW level (for aqu25442).
Thanks in advance