Error when creating a new project

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Andrew Hillman

Oct 9, 2024, 12:36:20 PMOct 9
to SWAT+ Toolbox
Hi, I am having the following errors when creating a project in the latest version of SWAT+ toolbox. I am not trying to do it through QSWAT+, just through the UI of the toolbox application.

It asks for the TxtInOut, so I click on the appropriate folder. It then closes and quickly reopens the file explorer screen, so I hit Select Folder a second time.

I then give a name, hit save, and then the following 2 error messages appear. Shortly after, the application crashes. If you have any advice, please let me know. I do not know why it is giving me an error relating to an open street map tile layer from QGIS....error1.pngerror2.png
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